Automotive HVAC Equipment Manufacturer
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Save the date for our next meeting: from 7 to 13 April 2025 in Munich SNDC is once again exhibiting at BAUMA to meet you. Come and see us at stand A2-125/7
The new edition of BAUMA 2025 in Munich won’t happen without us!
We’d love to meet you at this event to discuss your issues and projects while we finalise the last details of the stand.
It’s no surprise that we’ll be located in the « BUSINESS France »section, an address that will be familiar to some of you.
We can already introduce you to the main people you’ll be meeting, whose expertise is beyond question:
These four profiles will be able to answer all your questions and even provide the beginnings of a solution to your problems.
We’ll be back shortly to tell you all about the ingenious and innovative HVAC air-conditioning solutions we’ll be presenting.
In the meantime, we invite you to visit our exhibitor page to start preparing for your visit.
Designer and manufacturer of air conditioning, heating, ventilation, air filtration and pressurisation systems and accessories for the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and aftermarket (AM) for a wide variety of passenger compartments and cabins in many sectors of activity.