Automotive HVAC Equipment Manufacturer
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This year, you will once again have the opportunity to meet the SNDC team at the 2019 edition of the Equip Auto show to be held at Paris Porte de Versailles from 15 to 19 October.
Come and meet our sales team, recently joined by Didier Gomes; they will be available to discuss your problems.
Come and discuss the new R1234yf refrigerant… We will be presenting developments and tools (charge station, leak detectors, etc.), and during this event, you will also be able to discover our new products, such as the rapid diagnostic kit for R1234yf and R134a fluids.
New: tools for CO2 air conditioning circuits. It’s time to be curious!
We are expecting many of you at our stand, so don’t hesitate to contact us to request an invitation to the show.
Find the latest automotive after-sales news before everyone else.